All Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or Genuine parts are covered under the Manufacturer’s warranty. Voelkel’s Collision Repair cannot warranty these parts any longer than the manufacturer does, but will repair or replace any defective part while it is under warranty. The use of the part must fit within both the Manufacturer’s terms and our terms in regards to appropriate, reasonable use, maintenance, and care of the vehicle.
Our Lifetime Paint Performance Guarantee is just one more way that we give customers extra confidence and an extra level of service. BASF will Guarantee in writing the durability of any paint work performed to BASF certification standards for as long you own your car. The guarantee protects against:
Peeling or delamination of the topcoat and/or other layers of paint.
Cracking or checking
Loss of gloss caused by cracking,checking, and hazing
Any paint failure caused by defective BASF automotive refinish products.
BASF's Paint Performance Guarantee will cover the areas of the vehicle which are refinished beginning the day the vehicle is delivered from the BASF Certified Collision Repair Center. All of these guarantees will be provided to the original owner of the vehicle, whose name is shown on our repair order.
Mechanical Repairs
Any repairs that we conduct on your vehicle that relate to the original collision damage, from the suspension to electrical components, to air conditioning and more, will be re-repaired under the warranty, unless the fault is caused by unreasonable use, maintenance, or care of the vehicle. This includes repairing any mechanical assembly or component warranted.
Voelkel's Collision Repair will guarantee our workmanship as long as you own your vehicle.
Rust Repairs cannot be guaranteed due to the nature of the repairs. Our estimators can explain your rust concerns in more detail.
The Warranty Claims Process
If you think you have a claim under our warranty, please get in touch us as soon as possible. As with all warranties, damage that is cause through unreasonable use, maintenance, or care of your vehicle will void the warranty.